Keyless Entry Remote
Limited Time Offer! 15% Off Any 2 or More Key Fobs

GX 470

Lexus GX 470 Remotes and Keys

You chose your Lexus GX 470 for many reasons and you appreciate the brand's reputation for luxury, but you also chose an SUV because you need to get work done. Maybe you have supplies for schools, displays for an expo or crucial deliveries to make. Or maybe you have clients or co-workers to transport.

Your remote entry system makes that process easier, so if your remote breaks or disappears, it can slow you down by stealing all that convenience away. Let Keyless Entry Remote Fob help you get back up to full speed quickly and cheaply. We offer OEM replacement remotes and keys for up to 80 percent less than a dealer's price. Each one is thoroughly tested for quality, so it won't let you down when it's time to load up.

Combined with our great shipping deals and lifetime replacement program, you'll be able to keep an authentic, working remote in your hand without paying a luxury price.

  • 2003-2009 Lexus GX 470 OEM 3 Button Key Fob w/ 1.5" Blade HYQ1512V Front View


    Lexus GX 470 OEM 3 Button Key Fob w/ 1.5" Blade HYQ1512V


    Our price: $108.77
    Dealer price: $199.99

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