Keyless Entry Remote
Limited Time Offer! 15% Off Any 2 or More Key Fobs


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Infiniti EX37 Keyless Entry Remotes

Sleek and simple, key fobs for the Infiniti EX37 feature a compact design with a hidden valet key. We carry Infiniti EX37 key fob replacements in a 3-button format, and the accompanying valet key just needs to be taken to a locksmith to be professionally cut for your vehicle.

When you shop with Keyless Entry Remote, Inc. for a replacement key for your Infiniti EX37, you won't have to pay an arm and a leg! All of our fobs are sold at up to 80% less than the dealership price and shipping's free on all qualifying orders. Even better are the free programming instructions you'll get with your order! Shop now or call us at 402-671-5100 if you have questions or concerns.

  • 2013 Infiniti EX37 OEM 3 Button Key Fob Front View


    Infiniti EX37 OEM 3 Button Key Fob

    Our price: $98.77
    Dealer price: $199.99

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