You work hard, and you don’t want to pay people money for
something you can do yourself. Dodge key fob programming can be do-it-yourself
following instructions. However, recent cars and specific systems will require
you to go to a dealership or a locksmith for the proper equipment.
Owner’s manual
Option 1: Your Owner’s Manual
The first step once your new Dodge key fob is consulting
your owner’s manual. If your Dodge vehicle was made before 2010, chances are
you can follow the self-programming key fob instructions without an issue. If
your vehicle model is more recent, your vehicle manual will not include these
Dodge key fobs are relatively straightforward to program;
however, you do need a working key with existing programming. The typical
instructions involve inserting the working key. Then you insert, remove, and
insert the new key again. Consult your manual for more detailed Dodge key fobprogramming instructions for your specific car model.
Option 2: The Locksmith
If following the DIY instructions does not work or your
vehicle is more recent, the next most cost-effective option is an automotive
locksmith. You may think a locksmith only opens your door, but the shops
tend to have a variety of purposes. They can install, adjust, and repair many
facets of your locking system.
These companies possess the specialized equipment in some
cases to handle your Dodge key fob programming, though not all have the latest
equipment. However, you should ensure you have the information on your car in
front of you while calling around asking about Dodge key fob programming.
Option 3: Mechanics
A mechanic’s shop is a good option for older vehicles,
especially if you have a friend in the business. If you’re a regular customer,
you may even get a discount on your Dodge key fob programming. This route may
cost you more than a locksmith would, but it will probably be cheaper than a
Dodge dealership.
However, unless there is an automotive locksmith attached to
your favorite mechanic shop, programming a recent Dodge key fob is unlikely.
Many mechanic shops simply do not keep that kind of specialized equipment in
the shop. It’s expensive for them and rarely used.
Option 4: The Dealership
The dealership is the most expensive Dodge key fob
programming option available. You know the dealership can follow the
instructions and has the proper equipment. It should still be the last option
you look at, even if you know your dealership will do the programming right the
first time.
Dealerships charge you mark-ups and fees to perform your
Dodge key fob programming, including requiring you to buy the fob from them.
That’s how Dodge ended up specifying that all cars after 2010 needed
specialized equipment for their key fob programming.