How much should I be
paying for a new key fob? This is a valid question that requires a little disection. We have broken down pricing into 5 key fob categories. The prices we have given are averages and
should be used to make sure you are not being robbed by a locksmith (the dealer
will always try to rob you).
Standard Remotes Up to $45
These remotes are your old school remotes that usually have
a lock button, unlock button, trunk, and maybe a panic button. The big identifier for these remotes is the
remote is an actual separate unit from the key.
Flip Keys Up to
Also referred to as switch blade style keys. When you push a button the metal key will
flip open like a switch blade knife. The
key and the remote are one unit.
These are remotes that do not use a metal key to start the
vehicle. They use infrared technology for
starting the vehicle. The remote and key
are one unit and it also will have a hidden metal key to unlock the driver’s
side door in case the battery dies.
Remote Head Keys Up to $100
The remote and key are one unit. The metal part of the key will physically be
attached to the remote and in plain view.
These remotes are usually associated with push buttons start
optioned vehicles. They are meant to be
kept in your pocket or purse at all times.
It uses proximity technology to know when you are close enough to the
vehicle to unlock the car doors and or start the vehicle. These remotes usually have a small metal key
hidden in the remote in case the car battery dies.