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This is a Factory OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Acura 4 Button keyless entry remote, aka "key fob".
OEM electronics in a new aftermarket case.
Obtain all remote transmitters for this vehicle and read the instructions prior to programming.
Entering programming mode will erase all previously programmed remotes for this vehicle. You must have all remotes available for programming including working ones.
Perform each of the next three steps in order, then repeat all three steps two more times for a total of three times each.
Next, turn the ignition switch to ON position, marked II.
4. Using the same remote, press the LOCK button again. The door locks should cycle indicating the vehicle has ENTERED programming mode.
5. Using the same remote, press the LOCK button again. The door locks should cycle indicating the vehicle has PROGRAMMED that remote.
If you have other remotes to program then repeat step 5 with each additional remote one after another. Step 5 must be completed within ten seconds for each additional remote. You may program up to three remotes.
6. Turn the ignition to OFF. Test all remotes.
If your remote has a trunk button you will need to hold that button down for several seconds for that function to operate.
Please note: This system uses a stacking memory for remotes. The most recent remote programmed will bump the oldest remote. You can program up to four remotes. If you need to erase lost or stolen remotes then simply program one remote four times. If you have two remotes you can program one, three times then, program the second once and so on.
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